Wednesday, December 23, 2009
O Come O Come Emmanuel
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
O Come Desired of the Nations
Monday, December 21, 2009
O Come Dawn of the East
Sunday, December 20, 2009
O Come Key of David
Saturday, December 19, 2009
O Come Root of Jesse
Friday, December 18, 2009
O Come Lord of Might!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
O Come Thou Wisdom
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Precious Gift
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Where I AM, you also may be
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
What do you want me to do for you?
Speak to my heart once again.
Cry out to me ever stronger.
I am breathless when faced with your love.
Lord I have nothing to offer.
To you I would bind myself forever.
You hear the Psalm of my heart, Lord:
"O, to live only for love."
It is true I am nothing in your sight;
I have neither strength nor voice, Lord.
But when you let your gaze fall upon me,
I bloom beneath your grace and love.
Give me a heart that is burning.
Make mine a voice that shouts love,
ceaseless in telling all others,
how much you love me, my Lord.
How much you love us dear Lord.
(Bishop William Giaquinta)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Beautiful Love
Saint Augustine says: "Beautiful is God, the Word with God ... He is beautiful in heaven, beautiful on earth; beautiful in the womb, beautiful in his parents' arms, beautiful in his miracles, beautiful in his sufferings; beautiful in inviting to life, beautiful in not worrying about death, beautiful in giving up his life and beautiful in taking it up again; he is beautiful on the Cross, beautiful in the tomb, beautiful in heaven. Listen to the song with understanding, and let not the weakness of the flesh distract your eyes from the splendor of his beauty."
The consecrated life reflects the splendor of this love because, by its fidelity to the mystery of the Cross, it confesses that it believes and lives by the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In this way it helps the Church to remain aware that the Cross is the superabundance of God's love poured out upon this world, and that it is the great sign of Christ's saving presence, especially in the midst of difficulties and trials.
(John Paul II, Vita Consecrata, 24)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Let Me Trust You
I said in my alarm,
"No one can be trusted!"
How can I repay the LORD
for all the good done for me?
I will raise the cup of salvation
and call on the name of the LORD.
I will pay my vows to the LORD
in the presence of all his people.
Too costly in the eyes of the LORD
is the death of his faithful.
LORD, I am your servant,
your servant, the child of your maidservant;
you have loosed my bonds.
I will offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving
and call on the name of the LORD.
I will pay my vows to the LORD
in the presence of all his people,
In the courts of the house of the LORD,
in your midst, O Jerusalem.
Hallelujah! (Psalm 116:10-19)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I Am With You...
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Dare With God!

Mary thus stands before us as a sign of comfort, encouragement and hope. She turns to us, saying: "Have the courage to dare with God! Try it! Do not be afraid of him! Have the courage to risk with faith! Have the courage to risk with goodness! Have the courage to risk with a pure heart! Commit yourselves to God, then you will see that it is precisely by doing so that your life will become broad and light, not boring but filled with infinite surprises, for God's infinite goodness is never depleted!"
-Pope Benedict XVI, Dec. 8, 2006
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Come to the Father...
The prince of this world is determined to lay hold of me and to undermine my will which is intent on God. Let none of you here help him; instead show yourselves on my side, which is also God’s side. Do not talk about Jesus Christ as long as you love this world. Do not harbor envious thoughts. And supposing I should see you, if then I should beg you to intervene on my behalf, do not believe what I say. Believe instead what I am now writing to you. For though I am alive as I write to you, still my real desire is to die. My love of this life has been crucified, and there is no yearning in me for any earthly thing. Rather within me is the living water which says deep inside me: “Come to the Father.” I no longer take pleasure in perishable food or in the delights of this world. I want only God’s bread, which is the flesh of Jesus Christ, formed of the seed of David, and for drink I crave his blood, which is love that cannot perish.
Oh, let this be the desire of my heart...!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Rely on Receiving
[F]rom the point of view of the Christian faith, man comes in the profoundest sense to himself not through what he does but through what he accepts. He must wait for the gift of love, and love can only be received as a gift. It cannot be “made” on one’s own without anyone else; one must wait for it, let it be given to one. And one cannot become wholly man in any other way than by being loved, by letting oneself be loved. That love represents simultaneously both man’s highest possibility and his deepest need, and that this most necessary thing is at the same time the freest and most unenforceable, means precisely that for his “salvation” man is meant to rely on receiving. If he declines to let himself be presented with the gift, then he destroys himself. (Introduction to Christianity, Benedict XVI)
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Beloved of the Father
(Congregation For Institutes Of Consecrated Life And Societies Of Apostolic Life)
The Service Of Authority And Obedience
In the following of Jesus, the obedient Son of the Father
8. On this journey we are not alone: we are guided by the example of Christ, the Beloved on whom the Father's favor rests (Mt 3:17; 17:5), but also he who has freed us thanks to his obedience. It is he who inspires our obedience in order that the divine plan of salvation be completed through us.
In him everything is a listening to and acceptance of the Father (cf. Jn 8:28-29); all of his earthly life is an expression and continuation of what the Word does from eternity: letting himself be loved by the Father, accepting his love in an unconditional way, to the point of deciding to do nothing by himself (cf. Jn 8:28) but to do always what is pleasing to the Father. The will of the Father is the food which sustains Jesus in his work (cf. Jn 4:34) and which merits for Him and for us the superabundance of the resurrection, the luminous joy of entering into the very heart of God, into the blessed company of his children (cf. Jn 1:12). It is by this obedience of Jesus that “all shall become just” (Rm 5:19).
He also lived obedience when it presented a difficult chalice to drink (cf. Mt 26:39, 42; Lk 22:42), and he made himself “obedient to the point of death, and death on a cross” (Phil 2:8). This is the dramatic aspect of the obedience of the Son wrapped in a mystery which we can never totally penetrate, but which for us is very relevant, because it uncovers for us even more the filial nature of Christian obedience: only the child who senses himself loved by the Father and loves him with his whole self, can arrive at this type of radical obedience.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
The Heart of Mary
Monday, October 5, 2009
Living Stones
The passage from darkness to light demands that we remove the stones. What stones? And how? The unfastening of our hands and feet, in order to go, freed and renewed, to announce holiness to all. “We must stretch ourselves; if I said that we must burst out it might sound too strong an expression; but I say, we must expand ourselves, get larger. In this way we will find more space in our heart for joy, for meaning, and for life” (G. Giaquinta 1990).
-Giuliana Spigone, 2002)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Eucharistic Heart

What could be more beautiful than the Heart of Jesus living in us?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
His Promise in Full Color!

Indeed, when we free our spirits from fear and open our hearts to confidence, hope appears to us as a great rainbow in the sky. Not as a mere symbolic sign, but as the sure sign of a true reality – a reality truer than all the concerns that keep us anxious. It is the rainbow of hope, painted in many colors, symbol of our eagerness to walk toward the ultimate and final goal, while still pressed by the demands of our daily living. It is the luminous sign of our oblation that grows and enriches our lives with many gifts, blending into harmony the various parts of the same body – despite all our poverty and limitations.
This sign appears to us not only as a sign of hope, but also as a messenger of peace, inviting us to overcome divisions and to become witnesses of something new, something greater.
(Giuliana, Aug. 2004)
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Found by Him
At the end of the road, day, year, time, at the front of the Church, at the top of the cross, in the secret of my heart, You wait for me.
You passionately call, remind, encourage, desire, and gaze upon me.
What are these gentle gifts that You hold out before me but a burning invitation to be eternally united with You, forever receiving the Father's love?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Clothed in Glory
in my God is the joy of my soul;
For he has clothed me with a robe of salvation,
and wrapped me in a mantle of justice,
Like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem,
like a bride bedecked with her jewels.
As the earth brings forth its plants,
and a garden makes its growth spring up,
So will the Lord GOD make justice and praise
spring up before all the nations.
(Is. 61:10-11)
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Draw all Nations to Yourself, Lord!
Jerusalem, Tuesday, 12 May 2009
God of all the ages,
on my visit to Jerusalem, the “City of Peace”,
spiritual home to Jews, Christians and Muslims alike,
I bring before you the joys, the hopes and the aspirations,
the trials, the suffering and the pain of all your people throughout the world.
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
hear the cry of the afflicted, the fearful, the bereft;
send your peace upon this Holy Land, upon the Middle East,
upon the entire human family;
stir the hearts of all who call upon your name,
to walk humbly in the path of justice and compassion.
“The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him” (Lam 3:25)!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Lead Me Lord
you know when I sit and stand;
you understand my thoughts from afar.
My travels and my rest you mark;
with all my ways you are familiar.
Even before a word is on my tongue,
LORD, you know it all.
Behind and before you encircle me
and rest your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is beyond me,
far too lofty for me to reach.
Where can I hide from your spirit?
From your presence, where can I flee?
If I ascend to the heavens, you are there;
if I lie down in Sheol, you are there too.
If I fly with the wings of dawn
and alight beyond the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me,
Your right hand hold me fast.
(Psalm 139:1-10)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Theology of Risk: Rainbow of Hope

We must build the future, as much as is possible one understands, as instruments, as useless servants, keeping always this will of building together with a sense of optimism. It serves nothing to depress ourselves. Let us try to have a supernatural outlook: where we finish, God begins. We have trust in Him. Let us not forget that in our equations we cannot take everything into account, because there is an unknown, and this unknown is the infinite omnipotence of God. We must know how to look toward the future, not only our personal one but also that of the Institute, rooting ourselves in the Lord. We must have a healthy sense of optimism that will give us the courage to face the difficulties. We are here to pray the Holy Spirit to infuse this courage into us, not, obviously to be imprudent, but to know how to look to the future with generosity and to know how to risk.
We must know how to accept so much that is imperfect, negative, finite, limited that there is in the work of the last five years. We are not here to judge or to judge ourselves, but to love each other, to look ourselves in the eye, to understand in what way, counting above all on the love of God the Father, of Jesus Christ, of Our Lady, we can together face this new moment, this new development of the Institute.
Here we have the theology of risk become a rainbow of hope, full of light. I am certain that this will be our Chapter. (Bishop Giaquinta, Theology of Risk)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Little Steps
(St. Therese of Lisieux)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Clothed with the Sun!
Thus Mary, in virtue of being Mother of God and Spouse of the Holy Spirit, is, we might almost say, by right, Queen. Hence, God could not fail to bring her to Heaven in body and soul, and crown her as Queen of the Angels and Saints.
In the Apocalypse, St. John tells us that He saw, in Heaven, "a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (Rev 12:1). We believe that Mary is this woman, crowned by God.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Little Flowers
(St. Therese of Lisieux)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Little Mountains

Friday, May 8, 2009
Wellspring of Joy!

This will give us greater hope and joy, and will enable us to give hope and courage to everyone. We will become the sowers of hope that the Lord wants us to be not only for the Institute, but also for the entire world. “Let us open wide our hearts…That is to say, let us expand our love, so that many more people, and the whole world, may enter in and be welcomed by our embrace of love. To see and to love, to love and to see! To have a practical, broad, and sincere vision of love toward all brothers and sisters, and to receive them with understanding, tolerance and collaboration” (W. Giaquinta, Homily May 1, 1989).
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Mary the Sanctuary
(Bishop Giaquinta, Program of Spiritual Life)
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Delight in the Lord
that you may dwell in the land and live secure.
Find your delight in the LORD
who will give you your heart's desire.
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust that God will act
And make your integrity shine like the dawn,
your vindication like noonday.
Be still before the LORD;
wait for God.
(Psalm 37:4-7)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Flowers for Mary!
bring blossoms the fairest,
from garden and woodland and hillside and dale;
our full hearts are swelling,
our glad voices telling
the praise of the loveliest flower of the vale!
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today!
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
O Mary we crown thee with blossoms today,
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May.
Monday, May 4, 2009
The Core of Our Oblation
(Bishop Giaquinta, Sowers of Hope)
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Beautiful Face of the Institute
(Bishop Giaquinta, Suscipe Hanc Oblationem)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Rainbow of the Covenant

It is also in the light of the new day that we wish to prepare for the Celebration of the Covenant – the rainbow of thousand colors that unites heaven and earth. I am speaking of the Celebration in which we renew our yes to the oblation – offered for every man and woman, so that all may be led to the infinite love of the Lord. Let us pray for a renewed commitment to Fraternity – offered for the building of a civilization of love. Let us ask for a Cenacle that lives in communion and is at the service of the Church and of the world.
(Caterina Fava, March 2008)
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Deep as the Sea, Eternal Trinity
(St. Catherine of Siena)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
A Tiny Whispering Sound...
"God is present to Elijah not in the big events but in the peace, in the serenity and gentleness... When we wish to feel close to the Lord, we must be able to find Him in the interior peace and interior gentleness, as much as possible, without letting all that surrounds us disturb us, whether it be wind, fire, or storm. We must make it a habit to create an interior cave in which we nestle next to the Father, without becoming disturbed by events or people. We should remain tightly united with God, to see Him somehow, even though not in the way we would like to, but in the answer Jesus gives to Philip, which is also an answer to our quest. We should make every effort to see the Father in Jesus...For, while we have this interior need, this longing, as did Philip, to see the Father, we also know that – although He is the invisible, the unutterable, the all-powerful, the greatest and the immense – He chose to come among us, to become visible flesh so that, unable to see Him directly, we could see Him in Jesus. Thus our desire to see the Father finds an answer in our listening to the Son" (Giaquinta, Face of the Father).