The Rainbow of the Covenant
In the morning we must raise our thoughts and words to the Lord. At the rising of the sun, the Lord must be our thirst and our desire: “O God, you are my God; for you I long. For you my soul is thirsting, and my body pines for you like a dry, weary land without water…” (Ps 63:2). Only in this way we can avoid making the numerous activities of our day a burden for our heart, or allow them to separate us from what is good. Only in this way we can allow the confused dreams of the dark night of our soul be dispelled by the light of a new day. Only in this way we can silence the confused range of our thoughts and useless words, and make room for the Risen Christ.It is also in the light of the new day that we wish to prepare for the Celebration of the Covenant – the rainbow of thousand colors that unites heaven and earth. I am speaking of the Celebration in which we renew our yes to the oblation – offered for every man and woman, so that all may be led to the infinite love of the Lord. Let us pray for a renewed commitment to Fraternity – offered for the building of a civilization of love. Let us ask for a Cenacle that lives in communion and is at the service of the Church and of the world.
(Caterina Fava, March 2008)
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