Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Eucharistic Heart

Our "Father" not only spoke to us of the Eucharistic Bread, but became himself the good bread that was eaten by everyone. The Founder spent long hours in the contemplation of the timeless Face of Christ, copying in himself Christ's features. For hours he paused in silent adoration and in attentive listening to the heartbeats of Jesus, which made his own heart expand beyond the limits of all human love. (Giuliana, June 15, 2004)

What could be more beautiful than the Heart of Jesus living in us?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Father's Love

Everywhere and every moment we are involved in this tension toward the fullness of the love that the Father has shown us in His Son.
- Bishop Giaquinta

Monday, September 21, 2009

His Promise in Full Color!

The exhortation to not fear takes us by the hand, as it were, and leads us with confidence through the familiar love of the One in whom we trust.

Indeed, when we free our spirits from fear and open our hearts to confidence, hope appears to us as a great rainbow in the sky. Not as a mere symbolic sign, but as the sure sign of a true reality – a reality truer than all the concerns that keep us anxious. It is the rainbow of hope, painted in many colors, symbol of our eagerness to walk toward the ultimate and final goal, while still pressed by the demands of our daily living. It is the luminous sign of our oblation that grows and enriches our lives with many gifts, blending into harmony the various parts of the same body – despite all our poverty and limitations.

This sign appears to us not only as a sign of hope, but also as a messenger of peace, inviting us to overcome divisions and to become witnesses of something new, something greater.
(Giuliana, Aug. 2004)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Found by Him

At the end of the road, day, year, time, at the front of the Church, at the top of the cross, in the secret of my heart, You wait for me.
You passionately call, remind, encourage, desire, and gaze upon me.
What are these gentle gifts that You hold out before me but a burning invitation to be eternally united with You, forever receiving the Father's love?