Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What do you want me to do for you?

Tell me, my Lord, that you love me.
Speak to my heart once again.
Cry out to me ever stronger.
I am breathless when faced with your love.

Lord I have nothing to offer.
To you I would bind myself forever.
You hear the Psalm of my heart, Lord:
"O, to live only for love."

It is true I am nothing in your sight;
I have neither strength nor voice, Lord.
But when you let your gaze fall upon me,
I bloom beneath your grace and love.

Give me a heart that is burning.
Make mine a voice that shouts love,
ceaseless in telling all others,
how much you love me, my Lord.
How much you love us dear Lord.

(Bishop William Giaquinta)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Beautiful Love

In the different forms of life inspired by the Spirit throughout history, consecrated persons discover that the more they stand at the foot of the Cross of Christ, the more immediately and profoundly they experience the truth of God who is love. It is precisely on the Cross that the One who in death appears to human eyes as disfigured and without beauty, so much so that the bystanders cover their faces (cf. Is 53:2-3), fully reveals the beauty and power of God's love.

Saint Augustine says: "Beautiful is God, the Word with God ... He is beautiful in heaven, beautiful on earth; beautiful in the womb, beautiful in his parents' arms, beautiful in his miracles, beautiful in his sufferings; beautiful in inviting to life, beautiful in not worrying about death, beautiful in giving up his life and beautiful in taking it up again; he is beautiful on the Cross, beautiful in the tomb, beautiful in heaven. Listen to the song with understanding, and let not the weakness of the flesh distract your eyes from the splendor of his beauty."

The consecrated life reflects the splendor of this love because, by its fidelity to the mystery of the Cross, it confesses that it believes and lives by the love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In this way it helps the Church to remain aware that the Cross is the superabundance of God's love poured out upon this world, and that it is the great sign of Christ's saving presence, especially in the midst of difficulties and trials.

(John Paul II, Vita Consecrata, 24)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Look Up!

For me prayer is a surge of the heart,
it is a simple look towards Heaven,
it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy.
-St. Therese of Lisieux

(Only God could create intricate beauty such as this...)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Remain in Me

Nothing is lost in the Heart of Jesus.
It is in surrendering to Him that we discover ourselves and truly live.